English Connects is our digital programme for all teachers and teacher educators of English worldwide

It provides professional development opportunities, resources, peer support and networking for a global community of English language teaching professionals and practitioners. 

Through English Connects we are able to gather evidence about ELT worldwide, understand the issues teachers face, and provide a forum for UK expertise and standards. We share global perspectives and through teachers reach communities and students worldwide. 

In addition the global prgramme, English Connects MENA has an established network of approx 9000 teachers (TNI). Connect with English teachers and teacher educators in MENA to find opportunities, resources to support your career. Our programme provides free training and resources for teachers in the MENA region. 

The TNI is a successful and popular programme for English language teachers in the MENA region designed to help them develop professionally. The focus of the first phase of the programme has been remote and online teaching.